Five New Species and a New Record of Fenestrulina (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida: Fenestrulinidae) in Korean Waters
Hyun Sook Chae1, Ho Jin Yang1, Bum Sik Min2, Ji Eun Seo1,3,*
1 Marine Bryozoans Resources Bank of Korea, Jincheon 27841, Korea
2 Division of Zoology, Honam National Institute of Biological Resources, Mokpo 58762, Korea
3 Department of Life Science, Woosuk University, Jincheon 27841, Korea
Fenestrulina malusii (Audouinm, 1826) has long been considered a cosmopolitan species and is recognized as a species complex comprised of several cryptic species since scanning electron microscope (SEM) is utilized for bryozoan taxonomy. Many new species thus have been separated from F. malusii with comprehensive morphological characteristics. For this reason, a taxonomic revision on two Korean species of Fenestrulina, F. malusii and F. mutabilis, has been required. This study aims to investigate Fenestrulina collected from 19 localities in Korean waters from 1985 to 2023. As a result of the present study, Korean Fenestrulina was found to be of six species. Of them, F. delicia Winston, Hayward and Craig, 2000, is added to the Korean bryozoan fauna; the other five species are new to science. All six species were provided with a detailed description and SEM images.
Fenestrulina, F. malusii, F. mutabilis, Korea, new species, new record